Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

He Created All

Acts 17:26a "From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. " With any international adoption journey there will be those who question bring a child of a different race into your home. Some will have legitimate concerns others are just hateful. For most adopted children it is very uncomfortable to be thrown into a family where you look, speak, and eat differently.

In our case, you our Filipino child, will be thrown into a world of WHITE. Mom and I want you to know that we will do everything we can to protect you and train in you in God's view of race. God did not create one race to be better and another to be worse. He created us all. We all came from the same fathers, both God the father and Adam the first man. We are all set apart for God's glory. I take joy in diversity. It is wonderful to come into a church each week where we are surrounded by families from the Philippines, Liberia, Ghana, Japan, India, and others. Our church is a celebration of God's love for diverse people. I like to think of it as a snap shot of heaven here in earth.

The writer of Hebrews refers to the great cloud of witnesses. In that cloud men and women from every race, tribe, language, and nation will be present. With the help of our Filipino family we will give you the opportunity to connect to your native culture. Everything we do for you, as with our other kids, will be done out of God's love and our for you.

Love Daddy

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