Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Follow Me or We Must Do More

 My title for today's blog  is “Follow Me” or “We Must Do More”. (Kind of reminds me of the old Rocky and Bullwinkle show.) I believe we are at a turning point in Christianity. Christ is coming soon. As the last day draws nearer, we must do more. To do that we must follow Christ.

John 21:15-23
15 After breakfast Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?[a]
“Yes, Lord,” Peter replied, “you know I love you.”
“Then feed my lambs,” Jesus told him.
16 Jesus repeated the question: “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
“Yes, Lord,” Peter said, “you know I love you.”
“Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus said.
17 A third time he asked him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was hurt that Jesus asked the question a third time. He said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep.
18 “I tell you the truth, when you were young, you were able to do as you liked; you dressed yourself and went wherever you wanted to go. But when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and others[b] will dress you and take you where you don’t want to go.” 19 Jesus said this to let him know by what kind of death he would glorify God. Then Jesus told him, “Follow me.”
20 Peter turned around and saw behind them the disciple Jesus loved—the one who had leaned over to Jesus during supper and asked, “Lord, who will betray you?” 21 Peter asked Jesus, “What about him, Lord?”
22 Jesus replied, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me.” 23 So the rumor spread among the community of believers[c] that this disciple wouldn’t die. But that isn’t what Jesus said at all. He only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”

There are  three things that Christ calls Peter to. These are things He also calls us to.
First, Jesus calls for the care of his flock. This passage opens up with Christ asking Peter if he loves Him. Three times he asks, three times Peter responds, yes Lord I love you. Three times Christ tell Peter to care for His flock.

1 Peter 5:2-4
2 Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. 3 Don’t lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example. 4 And when the Great Shepherd appears, you will receive a crown of never-ending glory and honor.

Second, Jesus calls for complete surrender. Starting with verse 18 Jesus begins to explain what will happen to Peter in the future.  At the end Jesus says, “follow me”. In a way this is Christ saying, yes bad things are coming for you but don’t worry about it. Surrender to my will for your life.” Don’t focus on what is coming, focus on Christ.

1 John 3:16
16 We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.

Third, Jesus calls for focus on the task. At the end of this section of scripture we see Peter getting annoyed with Christ. He looks over his shoulder and says, “but what about him?” Jesus responds by saying “don’t worry about Him, you follow me”.

2 Peter 1:12-15
12 Therefore, I will always remind you about these things—even though you already know them and are standing firm in the truth you have been taught. 13 And it is only right that I should keep on reminding you as long as I live.[a] 14 For our Lord Jesus Christ has shown me that I must soon leave this earthly life,[b] 15 so I will work hard to make sure you always remember these things after I am gone.

Isn’t this what Christ did? Jesus cared for His sheep. Jesus surrendered to the will of the father. Jesus stayed focused on the task. Like Peter, Christ calls each of us to Love His flock, to surrender to His will, and to focus on the task that is laid before us. Surly this is the heartbeat of adoption. See one of the things Jesus was doing was preparing Peter for his call to the Gentiles.(Acts 10) In the end it was all about loving God’s people. A part of loving people is loving orphans.

James 1:27
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.

Find a way to care for orphans...or help those that are!

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