Son or daughter,
Today I am giving you a devotional thought.
Most Christan's know the story of how the children of Israel complained to God...again. They begged for water. God told Moses to speak to the rock. Instead he lost his temper and beat the rock with a stick. Now Moses was punished for disobedience. He was not punished for losing his temper. (Ex 17)
In life it is easy to lose it sometimes. It's okay. God can handle my anger. He can handle it when I lose my temper. He can handle my frustration. None of these things surprise Him or catch Him off guard. He knows the weakness of my sinful nature. He knows the trials that I go through from day to day. He knows because He has been there. The key is not sinning in our frustration. Remember what Paul says in Ephesians 4:26 "Don't sin by letting anger control you." It is not a matter of getting angry. The problem comes when anger moves us to get even.
Now if human nature is such that we easily fly of the handle, what do we do? The answer is found in Christ. Go to the Rock for water. He is our solid footing. He is our foundation. He is our spring of life. When we daily come to Him, He changes our human nature into His nature. He makes us more like Himself each day that we come sit at His feet. I don't want a drink form the Rock, I want to submerge myself in His grace and mercy. I want to see His face and feel His breath. I want to know that my Rock is always there and He is working to change me from the inside out.
When you go through trials, as you will in the transitions of adoption, I hope we can teach you early on that it is ok to get angry as long as you do not act on the anger. It's a process. It's a lesson for life, a lesson that takes time to learn.
We love you with all our hearts.
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